Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday B !!

My little boy is a TEENAGER!!!
Thirteen years ago, I had my first child! Time does fly!!
B is a very special child of mine, since it was just the two of us for the first few years of his life, I feel like there is a special bond.
I had more fun with B than any one single person in my life.
We did everything together, from trips to the zoo, Wisconsin Dells, museums, trips to Chicago, we just did so many things when he was a little boy,
and boy did we have fun!
I feel in a way I was still a child then, at 18 years old...
I had more energy and freedom to do all those fun things.
As B gets older, the kisses get wiped off and the hugs get shrugged off, it's sad to know he already has little memory of those fun days just the two of us, but I will always remember those fun special times.
It's fun to watch them grow, but sad that it happens so fast...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my special B,
I hope you always know how much you mean to me!

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